I have heard the testimony given by his family and read the “Historical memory" of one of his superiors in the MIR: political name, Bily, who tell us how Rudy grew in the middle of the street struggles in the 60's, when an emerging people's movement confronted the US Backed Christian democrat government of Eduardo Frei (1964-1970). Bily tell us that Rudy was always in the forefront of the students battles against police repression. The character of a true revolutionary was born in these days.
Rudy became heavily involved in the establishment and defense of the occupied land that became Campamento Lenin in Talcahuano. Rudy rapidly grew to became one of the leaders of that occupation, a seizure of land that raised international interest at the time, as there was born the first seeds of People's power. Most of the township was roughly constructed in tents and makeshift dwellings and how they resisted massive police attempts to disperse them, attempts that failed time after time. Rudy, at that young age, was in the first line of battle against the Government intentions to disband the occupation. The testimonies tell us that his tent was the centre of operations and became a focal point of the local leadership.
His role, his bravery and determination convinced the MIR that Rudy was had the materials that make a revolutionary .He was send to Cuba to train militarily and to prepare him to future tasks. These were volatile times, the war in Vietnam was raging .We are told that when Rudy and his group arrived in Cuba, they met a group of Vietnamese guerrillas who were completing their training. There, he was given the nickname of "Vietnam" because he always used a camouflage army jacket and looked like the Vietnamese delegation.
Rudy was from a family of tactical Navy divers, he himself was an experience diver, and the military training in Cuba hardened him.
There he became the first in his class, “Benigno”, one of Che’s companions in Bolivia, trained him. Rudy was so well prepared that the MIR sent him for a second time to Cuba for further training.
In his return to Chile he is placed by MIR as part of GAP (Group of Personal Friends) as it was known, which was the elite guard that protected the newly elected socialist President Salvador Allende, who was under the continuing threats of been assassinated by the US's mercenaries.
There are pictures where one can see Rudy closely guarding Allende when he usually broke protocol and greet crowds.
From what he told his friends and relatives, the experience of protecting Allende, was an enriching and overwhelming experience, as he intimately got to know the nature and special character of the man he was protecting.
That marks the path that follows; that is the right man for the right role at the right time. The MIR helped to protect the President for one year until the Socialist Party took the role of guarding Allende.
During the following years, the MIR dedicated to strengthening the People's power that were been created all across Chile, and Rudy returned to his hometown to accomplish with the new tasks that were given to him.
As you know, the events unfolded rapidly. The US conspiracy was in full motion between 1971 and 1973. The MIR was conscious of the threats to the democratic process and the conspiracy instigated against Allende and the Popular Unity government, but they lacked resources, training and manpower to be able to offer a strong resistance to the imminent military coup.
September 1973 came and the coup was launched with a fury that surprised many
The MIR leadership called its members and supporters to resist the coup. Many heard that call and followed the instructions, but as you could imagine, most MIR members were known to the security services and is so that the hunt begun.
Rudy was arrested on October 16th 1973 for the first time. He was tortured and held without charges for 8 months. He was then released. The MIR offered him to assist him to leave Chile, but Rudy refused to abandon his people and stayed.
During the period July-November 1974 Rudy did not hide but remained in Talcahuano assisting the movement and the people that were suffering repression to re-formed and reconstruct the resistance against the dictatorship.
On the 27th November 1976, three armed civilians entered his house and took him away. He was last seen at the Naval base of Talcahuano. He was given No105. A survivor tells us that Rudy disappeared from his cell between the 24 December and the 31st December 1974.
His family has endured 32 years of searching for the remains of Rudy.
The so-called democracy of today has opened new opportunities to this search. His captors and killers are now known.
The process of justice for their crime is currently still in the courts in Chile
And we hope that it continues, for truth and for justice for Rudy and for all those that were taken and made disappeared.
This is the path of a true revolutionary, a clear example of bravery, honesty to his conviction and been prepared to sacrifice all for the cause of liberating the people from the imperialist yoke.
Is in this example, that Rudy joins the legion of the heroes of the Latin American revolution.
He is there, together with Che Guevara, in the example of Salvador Allende, in the convictions of Miguel Enriquez and the thousands of anonymous combatants that have spilled their blood in the struggles for the people's liberation.
So, today this tree is planted here in our centre, to remind us of the example of a man and his sacrifice. It will grow tall and proud, and is pointing to the future.
Honour and Glory to all the comrades fallen in the struggle
Honour and Glory to Rudy, example of bravery, commitment and consistency, a soldier of the people
Honour to his family who I am sure, will continue to cherish his memory and legacy
Finally, we say:
Compañero Rudy Carcamo presente
Compañero Rudy Carcamo presente
Ahora y Siempre
Quien lo vengara,
El Pueblo
Y Como compañeros?
Luchando, Creando Poder Popular
Written by Esteban Espinosa - New Zeland