ALDO GONZALO PEREZ VARGAS  Aldo Gonzalo Pérez Vargas, single, member of MIR, was detained around the 23rd of September 1974, without witnesses, on the streets of Santiago, by DINA agents who mistook him for his brother Dagoberto, also a member of MIR, and intensely wanted by the Security Services. He was taken to the DINA secret detention and torture centre in José Domingo Cañas street and tranfered to the Cuatro Alamos centre from where he disappeared. In both centres, he was seen by witnesses. At the time, he was recovering from an apendicitis operation. Aldo Gonzalo was the second of five brothers to suffer directly from the repression. His brother Carlos Freddy had already been detained and is presently on the list of disappeared prisoners. Later, the twins Ivan Renato and Mireya de Lourdes would die during fights with DINA agents. The other sister, at the time underaged, had to get out of the country and exile herself with her parents. There are several testimonies to their presence in torture centres : One witness saw Carlos Freddy Pérez Vargas in the José Domingo Cañas street torture centre, in bad physical conditions due to the tortures he was subjected to. Some days later, the witness saw the arrival at the centre of Aldo Gonzalo, in good condition though he had recently been operated of apendicitis. The brothers embraced each other and showed preoccupation for the safety of their family. Days later, Carlos Freddy was taken to an unknown destination while Aldo staid a short while in the centre before being transfered to the Cuatro Alamos detention centre. Another witness of the detention of Aldo Gonzalo in the Cuatro Alamos centre said that, between the 4th and the 9th of October 1974, Aldo Gonzalo was taken to his cell together with two other prisoners. Aldo showed signs of burns and said that he had recently been operated. In the morning of a day of the second week of November 1974, DINA personnel took the two prisoners and Aldo out of the centre with destination unknown. The three men disappeared forever. Aldo Gonzalo Pérez Vargas was one of six brothers and sisters of a couple formed by Osvaldo Pérez and Otilia Vargas. Five of them were member of MIR. The only survivors of the family were the two parents and the youger sister, Patricia, who found asylum in Cuba. The first to disappear were Aldo Gonzalo and his brother Carlos Freddy.
A tree was planted on his memory, as part of our ecomemoria program : |